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Replaying Tests

CATS will output both an HTML file that will be linked in the summary report and individual JSON files. The JSON files can be used to replay tests at later times. When replaying a test (or a list of tests), by default, CATS won't produce any report. The output will be solely available in the console. This is useful when you want to see the exact behaviour of the specific test or attach it in a bug report for example.

The syntax for replaying tests is the following:

cats replay "Test1,Test233,Test15.json,dir/Test19.json"

Important notes:

  • test names are separated by comma ,
  • if you provide a .json extension to a test name, that file will be searched as a path i.e. it will search for Test15.json in the current folder and Test19.json in the dir folder
  • if you don't provide a json extension to a test name, CATS searches for that test in the cats-report folder i.e. cats-report/Test1.json and cats-report/Test233.json

You can also use environment variables for headers when replaying tests using $$varible. Make sure you replace the header's value with $$variable inside the JSON file.


When replaying tests you can also supply headers using the -H argument. This will override any header matching the given header name. cats replay Test1 -H Authentication=token

You can enable reporting by supplying an --output argument with the location folder that will be used to write the report files. Please note that CATS won't produce a full report, but rather individual TestXXX.json and TestXXX.html files.

The replay sub-command also supports replacing the base URL of the service. This is useful when replaying the test(s) on the different environment than they originally run. This is achieved using the --server argument.


Please note that you only need to provide the base URL of the service in the --server argument.