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Masking Authentication Headers

While most of the times you'll be executing CATS without production credentials, it is advisable to refrain from incorporating authentication headers within report files, for both .html and .json formats. This precautionary measure is essential as test cases could become appended to bug reports, potentially leading to the inadvertent exposure of sensitive credentials to unintended recipients.

You can use the --maskHeaders argument to provide a list of headers to be masked. The masking process will replace the values of those headers with $$HeaderName. This will allow the test cases to be replay-able through cats replay by setting a local environment variable called HeaderName and setting it with the sensitive value.


The curl equivalent of running the test case will also use the $Header-Name variable.

cats --contract=YAML_FILE --server=SERVER_URL -H "X-Api-Key=mySecretKey"  --maskHeaders "X-Api-Key"

This will replace mySecretKey with $$XApiKey in all report files.