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API Authentication


CATS outputs authentication headers in plain text in both logs and report files. Make sure you remove those when sharing/archiving/uploading the report files or logs. When sharing individual tests files you can leverage environment variables by using $$env_variable as values. You can also use the --maskHeaders argument to specify a comma-separated list of headers that should be masked in the logs and reports. Masked headers will be replaced with $$HeaderName so that test cases can be replayed using environment variables

HTTP header(s) based authentication

CATS supports any form of HTTP header(s) based authentication (basic auth, oauth, custom JWT, apiKey, etc) using the headers mechanism or using -H header=value arguments.


When using the --headerFile make sure the specific authentication header is applied to all endpoints.

Additionally, basic auth is also supported using the --basicauth=USR:PWD argument.

Refreshing the access credentials

If the authentication token needs periodical refresh, or if you want to provide it dynamically, you can encapsulate the provisioning of the authentication header in a script and use the following syntax:

cats --contract=api.yml --server=http://localhost:8000 -H "Authorization=auth_script" --authRefreshScript="./" --authRefreshInterval 300

This will use the script to get the value for the Authorization header and will refresh its value by calling the script every 300 seconds.


Please note that the output of the script will be copied as raw data in the header value so make sure you remove any formatting or include needed prefixes (like Bearer for example for JWTs).

One-Way or Two-Way SSL


By default, CATS trusts all server certificates and doesn't perform hostname verification.

For two-way SSL you can specify a JKS file (Java Keystore) that holds the client's private key using the following arguments:

  • --sslKeystore Location of the JKS keystore holding certificates used when authenticating calls using one-way or two-way SSL
  • --sslKeystorePwd The password of the sslKeystore
  • --sslKeyPwd The password of the private key within the sslKeystore

For details on how to load the certificate and private key into a Java Keystore you can use this guide: