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Filtering Reports

CATS reports can be huge. Opening a report with 20k tests it's not the best user experience. Outside the typical Slicing Strategies, you can also choose to ignore reporting for specific HTTP responses.

Ignoring Specific HTTP Responses

By default, CATS will report warns and errors according to the specific behaviour of each Fuzzer. There are cases though when you might want to focus only on critical bugs. You can use the --ignoreResponseXXX arguments to supply a list of response codes, response sizes, word counts, line counts or response body regexes that should be ignored as issues (overriding the Fuzzer behaviour) and report those cases as success instead or warn or error. For example, if you want CATS to report errors only when there is an Exception or the service returns a 500, you can use this: --ignoreResultCodes="2xx,4xx". This is the list with all ignore arguments: --ignoreResponseCodes, --ignoreResponseLines, --ignoreResponseRegex, --ignoreResponseSize, --ignoreResponseWords.

Skip Reporting for Ignored Responses

You can choose to skip reporting for ignored HTTP responses using the --skipReportingForIgnored argument. This will remove tests matching any --ignoreXXX criteria from the final report.

Ignoring Undocumented Response Code Checks

You can also choose to ignore checks done by the Fuzzers. By default, each Fuzzer has an expected response code, based on the scenario under test and will report an warn when the service returns the expected response code, but the response code is not documented inside the contract. You can make CATS ignore the undocumented response code checks (i.e. checking expected response code inside the contract) using the --ignoreResponseCodeUndocumentedCheck argument. CATS with now report these cases as success instead of warn.

Ignoring Response Body Checks

Additionally, you can also choose to ignore the response body checks. By default, on top of checking the expected response code, each Fuzzer will check if the response body matches the response schema defined in the contract and will report an warn if not matching. You can make CATS ignore the response body checks using the --ingoreResponseBodyCheck argument. CATS with now report these cases as success instead of warn.