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To get a list of fuzzers and a short description run cats list --fuzzers.

There are multiple categories of Fuzzers available:

  • Field Fuzzers which target request body fields and path parameters
  • Header Fuzzers which target HTTP headers
  • HTTP Fuzzers which target just the interaction with the service (without fuzzing fields or headers)

Additional checks which are not actually using any fuzzing, but leverage the CATS internal model for consistency and are also called Fuzzers:

  • ContractInfo Fuzzers which checks the contract for API good practices
  • Special Fuzzers a special category of Fuzzers which need further configuration and are focused on more complex activities like functional flow, custom dictionaries or supplying your own request templates, rather than OpenAPI specs.

Each Fuzzer from the above categories are individually detailed using the below description table.

Understanding the Description Table for Each Fuzzer

Full Fuzzer NameThe full name of the Fuzzer as printed in logs and reports.
Log KeyThe key used to prefix log lines. This is useful to understand all processing happening through the lifecycle of the Fuzzer.
DescriptionA brief description of how this Fuzzer works and what is expected behavior from the API.
Enabled by default?Is this Fuzzer enabled by default or does it need additional arguments to be supplied.
Target field typesWhat is the target of this Fuzzer. Some Fuzzers might target only string fields, while others might only target boolean fields. Some Fuzzer might even target specific formats.
Expected result when fuzzed field is requiredWhat is the expected HTTP response code when the fuzzed field is marked as required.
Expected result when fuzzed field is optionalWhat is the expected HTTP response code when the fuzzed field is optional (i.e. not explicitly marked as required).
Expected result when fuzzed value is not matching field patternWhat is the expected HTTP response code when the fuzzed value does not match the field pattern (if defined).
Fuzzing logicThe logic of the fuzzer. Is it replacing values? Prefixing? Suffixing?
Conditions when this fuzzer will be skippedWhat are the conditions when the Fuzzer will be skipped? Some examples: when the field is a discriminator, part of reference data, etc.
HTTP methods that will be skippedSome Fuzzers cannot apply to specific HTTP methods. This will list all methods that will be skipped for the Fuzzer.
ReportingWhat are the conditions when the Fuzzer will report error, warn or success.

Clarifications on the wording from the Description column:

  • happy path means CATS expects a 2XX HTTP response code
  • rejects request as invalid means CATS expects a 4XX HTTP response code
  • response code is documented means the HTTP response code is documented in the OpenAPI specs
  • resopnse code is expected means CATS expects to receive this HTTP response code for the current Fuzzer (taking into consideration the above 3 Expected result when... conditions)
  • unexpected exception means anything that happens outside the rest of the conditions (Connection Timeout for example)
  • not matches response schema means the structure of the HTTP response body does not match the schema defined in the OpenAPI specs
  • response code is expected, but not documented means that the received HTTP response code matches Fuzzer's expectations, but the HTTP response code is not documented in the OpenAPI specs as a potential response code
  • TRIM_AND_VALIDATE means that CATS expects the API endpoints to first trim the values, removing whitespaces, emojis and control characters, and them perform the validation
  • VALIDATE_AND_TRIM means that CATS expects the API endpoints to perform the validation without trimming the values
  • SANITIZE_AND_VALIDATE means that CATS expects the API endpoints to first sanitize the values, removing zalgo text and abugidas, and then perform the validation
  • VALIDATE_AND_SANITIZE means that CATS expects the API endpoints to perform the validation without sanitizing the values