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Linters are also called Linter Fuzzers.

Usually a good OpenAPI contract must follow several good practices in order to make it easy digestible by the service clients and act as much as possible as self-sufficient documentation:

  • follow good and consistent practices for naming the contract elements like paths, query params, headers, requests, responses
  • always use plural for the resources
  • provide tags for all operations in order to avoid breaking code generation on some languages and have a logical grouping of the API operations
  • provide good description for all paths, methods and request/response elements
  • provide meaningful responses for POST, PATCH and PUT requests
  • provide examples for all requests/response elements
  • provide structural constraints for (ideally) all request/response properties (min, max, regex)
  • have some sort of CorrelationIds/TraceIds headers for traceability
  • have at least a security schema in place
  • avoid having the API version part of the paths
  • document response codes for both "happy" and "unhappy" flows
  • avoid using xml payload unless there is a really good reason (like documenting an old API for example)
  • json types and properties do not use the same naming (like having a Pet with a property named pet)

CATS has currently 14 registered Linter Fuzzers or Linters:

  • HeadersCaseLinter - verifies that HTTP headers follow naming conventions
  • HttpStatusCodeInValidRangeFuzzer - verifies that all HTTP response codes are within the range of 100 to 599
  • JsonObjectsCaseLinter - verifies that JSON elements follow naming conventions
  • PathCaseLinter - verifies that path elements follow naming conventions
  • PathNounsLinter - verifies that path elements use nouns to describe resources
  • PathPluralsLinter - verifies that path elements uses pluralization to describe resources
  • PathTagsLinterFuzzer - verifies that all OpenAPI paths contain tags elements and checks if the tags elements match the ones declared at the top level
  • QueryParamsCaseLinter - verifies that query params follow naming conventions
  • RecommendedHeadersLinterFuzzer - verifies that all OpenAPI contract paths contain recommended headers like: CorrelationId/TraceId, etc.
  • RecommendedHttpCodesLinterFuzzer - verifies that the current path contains all recommended HTTP response codes for all operations
  • SecuritySchemesLinterFuzzer - verifies if the OpenApi contract contains valid security schemas for all paths, either globally configured or per path
  • TopLevelElementsLinterFuzzer - verifies that all OpenAPI contract level elements are present and provide meaningful information: API description, documentation, title, version, etc.
  • VersionsLinterFuzzer - verifies that a given path doesn't contain versioning information
  • XmlContentTypeLinterFuzzer - verifies that all OpenAPI contract paths responses and requests does not offer application/xml as a Content-Type

You can run only these Fuzzers using cats lint --contract=CONTRACT.

Naming conventions can be configured using the following arguments:

  • --headersNaming=<headersNaming> Naming strategy for json object properties. Possible values SNAKE, KEBAB, PASCAL, CAMEL, HTTP_HEADER. Default: HTTP_HEADER
  • --jsonObjectsNaming=<jsonObjectsNaming> Naming strategy for json objects. Possible values SNAKE, KEBAB, PASCAL, CAMEL, HTTP_HEADER. Default: PASCAL
  • --jsonPropertiesNaming=<jsonPropertiesNaming> Naming strategy for json object properties. Possible values SNAKE, KEBAB, PASCAL, CAMEL, HTTP_HEADER. Default: CAMEL
  • --pathNaming=<pathNaming> Naming strategy for paths (excluding path variables). Possible values SNAKE, KEBAB, PASCAL, CAMEL, HTTP_HEADER. Default: KEBAB
  • --pathVariablesNaming=<pathVariablesNaming> Naming strategy for paths variables. Possible values SNAKE, KEBAB, PASCAL, CAMEL, HTTP_HEADER. Default: CAMEL
  • --queryParamsNaming=<queryParamsNaming> Naming strategy for query parameters. Possible values SNAKE, KEBAB, PASCAL, CAMEL, HTTP_HEADER. Default: SNAKE

Linter Fuzzers are disabled by default. You must either use the cats lint ... command to run only the linters or the --includeLinters argument to run them along other Fuzzers.