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HTTP Fuzzers

CATS has currently 25 registered HTTP Fuzzers:

  • BypassAuthenticationFuzzer - check if an authentication header is supplied; if yes try to make requests without it
  • CheckDeletedResourcesNotAvailableFuzzer - checks that resources are not available through GET after a successful DELETE
  • CustomHttpMethods - iterate through a list of hypothetical HTTP methods that are not expected to be implemented by REST APIs
  • DummyRequestFuzzer - send a dummy json request {'cats': 'cats'}
  • EmptyBodyFuzzer - send a request with a empty string body
  • EmptyJsonArrayBody - send a request with a empty json array body
  • EmptyJsonBody - send a request with a empty json body
  • HappyFuzzer - send a request with all fields and headers populated
  • HttpMethodsFuzzer - iterate through each undocumented HTTP method and send an empty request
  • InsertRandomValuesInBody - insert invalid data within a valid request body
  • MalformedJsonFuzzer - send a malformed json request which has the String 'bla' at the end
  • NonRestHttpMethodsFuzzer - iterate through a list of HTTP method specific to the WebDav protocol that are not expected to be implemented by REST APIs
  • NullBodyFuzzer - send a request with a NULL body
  • NullUnicodeBody - send a request with a \u0000 body
  • NullUnicodeSymbolBody - send a request with a ␀ body
  • RandomDummyInvalidJsonBody - send a request with dummy invalid json body
  • RandomNegativeDecimalBodyFuzzer - send a request with a random negative decimal body
  • RandomNegativeIntegerBodyFuzzer - send a request with a random negative integer body
  • RandomPositiveDecimalBodyFuzzer - send a request with a random positive decimal body
  • RandomPositiveIntegerBodyFuzzer - send a request with a random positive integer body
  • RandomResourcesFuzzer - iterate through each path variable and send random resource identifiers
  • RandomStringBodyFuzzer - send a request with a random string body
  • RandomUnicodeBodyFuzzer - send a request with a random unicode string body
  • ZeroDecimalBodyFuzzer - send a request with decimal 0.0 as body
  • ZeroIntegerBodyFuzzer - send a request with integer 0 (zero) as body

You can run only these Fuzzers by supplying the --checkHttp argument.