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Dummy Request

Full Fuzzer NameDummyRequestFuzzer
Log KeyDR
DescriptionThis fuzzer will send a dummy request. The expectation is that APIs will reject the request in order to prevent injection attacks.
Enabled by default?Yes
Expected result4XX
Fuzzing logicIteratively sends a dummy request {"cats":"cats"} for each path and HTTP method
Conditions when this fuzzer will be skippedNone
HTTP methods that will be skippedNone
ReportingReports error if: 1. response code is 404; 2. response code is documented, but not expected; 3. any unexpected exception.

Reports warn if: 1. response code is expected and documented, but not matches response schema; 2. response code is expected, but not documented; 3. response code is 501.

Reports success if: 1. response code is expected, documented and matches response schema.