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Header Fuzzers

CATS has currently 36 registered Header Fuzzers:

  • AbugidasCharsInHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and send requests with abugidas chars in the targeted header
  • CRLFHeaders - iterate through each header and send CR & LF characters in the targeted header
  • CheckSecurityHeadersFuzzer - check all responses for good practices around Security related headers like: [{name=Cache-Control, value=no-store}, {name=X-XSS-Protection, value=1; mode=block}, {name=X-Content-Type-Options, value=nosniff}, {name=X-Frame-Options, value=DENY}]
  • DummyAcceptHeadersFuzzer - send a request with a dummy Accept header and expect to get 406 code
  • DummyContentTypeHeadersFuzzer - send a request with a dummy Content-Type header and expect to get 415 code
  • DummyContentLengthHeadersFuzzer - send a request with a dummy Content-Length header and expect to get 400 code
  • DummyTransferEncodingHeadersFuzzer - send a request with a dummy Transfer-Encoding header and expect to get a 400 or 501 code
  • DuplicateHeaderFuzzer - send a 'happy' flow request and duplicate an existing header
  • EmptyStringValuesInHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and send requests with empty String values in the targeted header
  • ExtraHeadersFuzzer - send a 'happy' flow request and add an extra field inside the request called 'Cats-Fuzzy-Header'
  • InvalidContentLengthHeadersFuzzer - send a request with an invalid Content-Length header and expect to get 400 code
  • LargeNumberRandomAlphanumericHeaders - send a 'happy' flow request with 10 000 extra random alphanumeric headers
  • LargeNumberRandomHeaders - send a 'happy' flow request with 10 000 extra random headers
  • LeadingControlCharsInHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and prefix values with control chars
  • LeadingWhitespacesInHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and prefix value with unicode separators
  • LeadingMultiCodePointEmojisInHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and prefix values with multi code point emojis
  • LeadingSingleCodePointEmojisInHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and prefix values with single code point emojis
  • LeadingSpacesInHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and send requests with spaces prefixing the value in the targeted header
  • RemoveHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and remove different combinations of them
  • OnlyControlCharsInHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and replace value with control chars
  • OnlySpacesInHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and replace value with spaces
  • OnlyMultiCodePointEmojisInHeaders - iterate through each header and send values replaced by multi code point emojis in the targeted header
  • OnlySingleCodePointEmojisInHeaders - iterate through each header and send values replaced by single code point emojis in the targeted header
  • OnlyWhitespacesInHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and replace value with unicode separators
  • ResponseHeadersMatchContractHeaders - send a request with all fields and headers populated and checks if the response headers match the ones defined in the contract
  • TrailingSpacesInHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and send requests with trailing spaces in the targeted header
  • TrailingControlCharsInHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and trail values with control chars
  • TrailingMultiCodePointEmojisHeaders - iterate through each header and send values suffixed with multi code point emojis in the targeted header
  • TrailingSingleCodePointEmojisHeaders - iterate through each header and send values suffixed with single code point emojis in the targeted header
  • TrailingWhitespacesInHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and trail values with unicode separators
  • UnsupportedAcceptHeadersFuzzer - send a request with an unsupported Accept header and expect to get 406 code
  • UnsupportedContentTypesHeadersFuzzer - send a request with an unsupported Content-Type header and expect to get 415 code
  • UserDictionaryHeadersFuzzer - iterates through each request headers and sends values from the user supplied dictionary
  • VeryLargeStringsInHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and send large values in the targeted header
  • VeryLargeUnicodeStringsInHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and send large unicode values in the targeted header
  • ZalgoTextInHeadersFuzzer - iterate through each header and send requests with zalgo text in the targeted header

You can run only these Fuzzers by supplying the --checkHeaders argument.