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Response Headers Match Contract Headers

Full Fuzzer NameResponseHeadersMatchContractHeaders
DescriptionThis fuzzer will send a happy path request and match response headers against the ones defined in the contract. The expectation is that APIs will respond with a 2XX and all declared contract headers.
Enabled by default?Yes
Expected result2XX
Fuzzing logicIteratively sends a happy path request for each path and HTTP method and checks that response headers match the ones defined in the contract.
Conditions when this fuzzer will be skippedIf contract doesn't declare any header or all declared headers are deprecated
HTTP methods that will be skippedNone
ReportingReports error if: 1. response code is 404; 2. response code is documented, but not expected; 3. any unexpected exception.

Reports warn if: 1. response code is expected and documented, but not matches response schema; 2. response code is expected, but not documented; 3. response code is 501.

Reports success if: 1. response code is expected, documented and matches response schema.