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Large Number of Random Alphanumeric Headers

Full Fuzzer NameLargeNumberOfRandomAlphanumericHeadersFuzzer
DescriptionThis adds 10 000 random alphanumeric headers to the request. Header's values can are random alphanumeric values. The expectation is that APIs ignore them and process a happy path.
Enabled by default?Yes
Target header typesN/A
Expected result when fuzzed header is required2XX or 4XX
Expected result when fuzzed header is optional2XX or 4XX
Fuzzing logicAdd 10 000 random alphanumeric headers to every request path and http method.
Conditions when this fuzzer will be skippedNone
HTTP methods that will be skippedNone
ReportingReports error if: 1. response code is other than 4XX or 2XX;

Reports success if: 1. response code is 4XX or 2XX.