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Overflow Array Size

Full Fuzzer NameOverflowArraySizeFieldsFuzzer
DescriptionThis fuzzer will overflow the size of JSON arrays. The expectation is that APIs will reject the request as invalid.
Enabled by default?Yes
Target field typesAll array fields
Expected result when fuzzed field is required4XX
Expected result when fuzzed field is optional4XX
Expected result when fuzzed value is not matching field pattern4XX
Fuzzing logicIteratively replaces JSON arrays with arrays following the same structure, but having size bigger with 10 elements than the maxItems attribute. If no maxItems is defined, the fuzzer will send the number of elements defined in the --largeStringsSize argument, which defaults to 40 000 if not provided.
Conditions when this fuzzer will be skippedWhen field is not a JSON array
HTTP methods that will be skippedNone
ReportingReports error if: 1. response code is 404; 2. response code is documented, but not expected; 3. any unexpected exception.

Reports warn if: 1. response code is expected and documented, but not matches response schema; 2. response code is expected, but not documented; 3. response code is 501.

Reports success if: 1. response code is expected, documented and matches response schema.