Lowercase Expanding Length in String Fields
Item | Description |
Full Fuzzer Name | LowercaseExpandingLengthInStringFieldsFuzzer |
Log Key | LELISF |
Description | This fuzzer send characters that expand their length when lower cased. The expectation is that APIs will either respond with 2xx or 4xx . |
Enabled by default? | Yes |
Target field types | All array fields |
Expected result when fuzzed field is required | 2XX or 4XX |
Expected result when fuzzed field is optional | 2XX or 4XX |
Expected result when fuzzed value is not matching field pattern | 2XX or 4XX |
Fuzzing logic | Iteratively replaces string fields with characters such as İ |
Conditions when this fuzzer will be skipped | When field is not a string |
HTTP methods that will be skipped | None |
Reporting | Reports error if: 1. response code is 5xx ; Reports warn if: 1. response code is expected and documented, but not matches response schema; 2. response code is expected, but not documented; 3. response code is 501 . Reports success if: 1. response code is expected, documented and matches response schema. |