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Field Fuzzers

CATS has currently 65 registered Field Fuzzers:

  • AbugidasInStringFields - iterate through each field and send values containing abugidas chars
  • DecimalFieldsLeftBoundaryFuzzer - iterate through each Number field (either float or double) and send requests with outside the range values on the left side in the targeted field
  • DecimalFieldsRightBoundaryFuzzer - iterate through each Number field (either float or double) and send requests with outside the range values on the right side in the targeted field
  • DecimalValuesInIntegerFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each Integer field and send requests with decimal values in the targeted field
  • DefaultValuesInFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each field with default values defined and send a happy flow request
  • EmptyStringValuesInFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each field and send requests with empty String values in the targeted field
  • ExamplesFields - send a request for every unique example
  • ExtremeNegativeValueDecimalFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each Number field and send requests with the lowest value possible in the targeted field
  • ExtremeNegativeValueIntegerFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each Integer field and send requests with the lowest value possible in the targeted field
  • ExtremePositiveValueDecimalFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each Number field and send requests with the highest value possible in the targeted field
  • ExtremePositiveValueInIntegerFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each Integer field and send requests with the highest value possible in the targeted field
  • InsertWhitespacesInFieldNamesField - iterates through each request field name and insert random whitespaces
  • IntegerFieldsLeftBoundaryFuzzer - iterate through each Integer field and send requests with outside the range values on the left side in the targeted field
  • IntegerFieldsRightBoundaryFuzzer - iterate through each Integer field and send requests with outside the range values on the right side in the targeted field
  • InvalidValuesInEnumsFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each ENUM field and send invalid values
  • InvalidReferencesFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each path fuzz the path parameters with invalid references
  • IterateThroughEnumValuesFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each enum field and send happy flow requests iterating through each possible enum values
  • LeadingWhitespacesInFieldsTrimValidateFuzzer - iterate through each field and send requests with Unicode whitespaces and invisible separators prefixing the current value in the targeted field
  • LeadingControlCharsInFieldsTrimValidateFuzzer - iterate through each field and send requests with Unicode control chars prefixing the current value in the targeted field
  • LeadingSingleCodePointEmojisInFieldsTrimValidateFuzzer - iterate through each field and send values prefixed with single code points emojis
  • LeadingMultiCodePointEmojisInFieldsTrimValidateFuzzer - iterate through each field and send values prefixed with multi code points emojis
  • LowercaseExpandingBytesInStringFields - iterate to string fields and send values that expand the byte representation when lowercased
  • LowercaseExpandingLengthInStringFields - iterate to string fields and send values that expand their length when lowercased
  • MaxLengthExactValuesInStringFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each string fields that have maxLength declared and send requests with values matching the maxLength size/value in the targeted field
  • MaximumExactValuesInNumericFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each integer fields that have maximum declared and send requests with values matching the maximum size/value in the targeted field
  • MinLengthExactValuesInStringFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each string fields that have minLength declared and send requests with values matching the minLength size/value in the targeted field
  • MinimumExactValuesInNumericFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each number fields that have minimum declared and send requests with values matching the minimum size/value in the targeted field
  • NewFieldsFuzzer - send a 'happy' flow request and add a new field inside the request called 'catsFuzzyField'
  • NullValuesInFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each field and send requests with null values in the targeted field
  • OnlyControlCharsInFieldsTrimValidateFuzzer - iterate through each field and send values with control chars only
  • OnlyWhitespacesInFieldsTrimValidateFuzzer - iterate through each field and send values with unicode separators only
  • OnlySingleCodePointEmojisInFieldsTrimValidateFuzzer - iterate through each field and send values with single code point emojis only
  • OnlyMultiCodePointEmojisInFieldsTrimValidateFuzzer - iterate through each field and send values with multi code point emojis only
  • OverflowArraySizeFields - iterate through each array field and replace it with overflow array values
  • OverflowMapSizeFields - iterate through each dictionary/hashmap field and replace it with overflow dictionary/hashmap values
  • RandomStringsInBooleanFields - iterate through each Boolean field and send random strings
  • RemoveFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each request fields and remove certain fields according to the supplied 'fieldsFuzzingStrategy'
  • ReplaceArraysWithPrimitivesFields - iterate through each array field and replace it with primitive values
  • ReplaceArraysWithSimpleObjectsFields - iterate through each array field and replace it with simple object values
  • ReplaceObjectsWithArraysFields - iterate through each object field and replace it with array values
  • ReplaceObjectsWithPrimitivesFields - iterate through each non-primitive field and replace it with primitive values
  • ReplacePrimitivesWithArraysFields - iterate through each primitive field and replace it with array values
  • ReplacePrimitivesWithObjectsFields - iterate through each primitive field and replace it with object values
  • StringFieldsLeftBoundaryFuzzer - iterate through each String field and send requests with outside the range values on the left side in the targeted field
  • StringFieldsRightBoundaryFuzzer - iterate through each String field and send requests with outside the range values on the right side in the targeted field
  • StringFormatAlmostValidValuesFuzzer - iterate through each String field and get its 'format' value (i.e. email, ip, uuid, date, datetime, etc); send requests with values which are almost valid (i.e. email@yhoo. for email, 888.1.1. for ip, etc) in the targeted field
  • StringFormatTotallyWrongValuesFuzzer - iterate through each String field and get its 'format' value (i.e. email, ip, uuid, date, datetime, etc); send requests with values which are totally wrong (i.e. abcd for email, 1244. for ip, etc) in the targeted field
  • StringsInNumericFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each Integer (int, long) and Number field (float, double) and send requests having the fuzz string value in the targeted field
  • TrailingWhitespacesInFieldsTrimValidateFuzzer - iterate through each field and send requests with trailing with Unicode whitespaces and invisible separators in the targeted field
  • TrailingControlCharsInFieldsTrimValidateFuzzer - iterate through each field and send requests with trailing with Unicode control chars in the targeted field
  • TrailingSingleCodePointEmojisInFieldsTrimValidateFuzzer - iterate through each field and send values trailed with single code point emojis
  • TrailingMultiCodePointEmojisInFieldsTrimValidateFuzzer - iterate through each field and send values trailed with multi code point emojis
  • UppercaseExpandingBytesInStringFields - iterate to string fields and send values that expand the byte representation when uppercased
  • UppercaseExpandingLengthInStringFields - iterate to string fields and send values that expand their length when uppercased
  • UserDictionaryFieldsFuzzer - iterates through each request fields and sends values from the user supplied dictionary
  • VeryLargeStringsFuzzer - iterate through each String field and send requests with very large values (40000 characters) in the targeted field
  • VeryLargeDecimalsInNumericFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each numeric field and send requests with very large numbers (40000 characters) in the targeted field
  • VeryLargeIntegersInNumericFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each numeric field and send requests with very large numbers (40000 characters) in the targeted field
  • VeryLargeUnicodeStringsInFieldsFuzzer - iterate through each field and send requests with very large random unicode values in the targeted field
  • WithinControlCharsInFieldsSanitizeValidateFuzzer - iterate through each field and send values containing unicode control chars
  • WithinSingleCodePointEmojisInFieldsTrimValidateFuzzer - iterate through each field and send values containing single code point emojis
  • WithinMultiCodePointEmojisInFieldsTrimValidateFuzzer - iterate through each field and send values containing multi code point emojis
  • ZalgoTextInStringFieldsValidateSanitizeFuzzer - iterate through each field and send values containing zalgo text
  • ZeroWidthCharsInNamesFields - iterate through each field and insert zero-width characters in the field names
  • ZeroWidthCharsInValuesFields - iterate through each field and send values containing zero-width characters

You can run only these Fuzzers by supplying the --checkFields argument.