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Creating Ref Data Files Dynamically

You can leverage the fact that the FunctionalFuzzer can run functional flows in order to create dynamic --refData files which won't need manual setting the reference data values. The --refData file must be created with variables ${variable} instead of fixed values and those variables must be output variables in the functionalFuzzer.yml file. In order for the FunctionalFuzzer to properly replace the variables names with their values you must supply the --refData file as an argument when the FunctionalFuzzer runs.

cats run functionalFuzzer.yml -c contract.yml -s http://localhost:8080 --refData=refData.yml

The functionalFuzzer.yml file:

description: Create a Pet
httpMethod: POST
name: "My Pet"
expectedResponseCode: 200
petId: pet#id

The refData.yml file:

id: ${petId}

After CATS runs using the above command, you will get a refData_replace.yml file where the id will get the value returned into the petId variable.

The refData_replaced.yml:

id: 123

You can now use the refData_replaced.yml as a --refData file for running CATS with the rest of the Fuzzers.